Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey mom,

I’ve been struggling with my blog lately. I started that blog as a work-related blog but now it’s become sprinkled with personal stuff. Cinnamon buns and work just don’t mix, you know what I mean? After we echatted today I realized that when I write the personal bloggy stuff it’s really for your benefit. So, eureka! Why don’t I start a blog just for you? Whaddya think? Do you likey?

Sorry, I left you echatting with Liam. Jim had an assignment he wanted me to print out. Of course, when I saw it I had to ‘tweak’ it. And that turned into a heated discussion because he said I was being aggressive and bossy. Whatever, like pointing out spelling mistakes is aggressive? I was only trying to help. He ended up apologizing but I’m still left feeling like the bad guy and unappreciated.

Moving on. It’s starting to snow here a little bit. After all that weather hype, you finally got dumped on. I’m glad we didn’t come in after all. I’m posting a picture of our snow banks along the driveway. It’s should make you feel better. Thank gawd for our  snow plowing service. Oddly, it doesn’t look as big in the pic. I would say they are about 6-7 feet maybe more. Today was the polar bear plunge on Lake Chemong and I think the free ice fishing is next weekend or so. Are you sure you don’t want to come up for that??? Lol

You mentioned that you think Dad has frontal lobe disorder? I checked it out online. Totally sounds like Jim too!! Except Jim has no excuse! Are you thinking the chemo might have triggered something in Dad? Just keep an eye on him and fill me in on the details the next time. Have you told Vance?

I had a really good riding lesson yesterday on Beau. For a 30 year old horse he really perked up and was riding like a 7 year old! My coach said he looked like he was really enjoying himself. We trotted and cantered a lot, he was sweaty when we were done. He’s also starting to shed like crazy. Hoping that means an early spring!!

Probably going to make roast chicken and potatoes this evening. I’ll post a pic for you. Proof that I do cook. I know you don’t believe me.

Well, this blog seems more like an email than a blog but I guess that’s the beauty of a personal blog. I can do anything I want. I’ll finesse it as we go along.



  1. Hi Sach,
    That's a great idea, altho I'm not sure that I want our communications documented! Somethings I just want to say once and not see it again, just in case it wasn't very nice ... haha! So, nobody can see our comments, right?

    Your blogs are great and thanks for all the nice things you said about me ... you know we think the world of you and just want you to be happy.

    I thought you said that there wasn't alot of snow out there ... that's alot! Everytime I've chatted with you, you always say "Oh, it's sunny and nice here." Right! :)

    I've been busy cleaning out the kitchen cupboards ... that was one area that I never really tackled when I was de-cluttering, just kept moving things around. What a mess! I think I have hot chocolate and ice tea mixes that are as old as we've lived here ... garbage!

    Packing away some dishes and things that I don't use very often or they just look old fashioned ... like the punch bowl (that's as old as the hills ... brought it from Jamaica, so you can imagine). Also, it seems we have two or more of everything, so something has to go.

    I think I better stop cleaning and start cooking as we're having chicken and pigtails and that takes a little longer to cook. Hope you have a nice dinner and yes, take a picture. Btw, did you notice that posting by Sandie Ward on our fb page about Paris? Thought you may have noticed and find it interesting.

    Ok, will check you blog everyday, but does this mean we won't echatting on fb anymore, or this is just in addition to?
    xoxo Mom

  2. This is just in addition to FB chatting. A place where I can upload pics for you to see and not my whole community on FB. That too has become a weird mixture of social and professional. I kind of felt you fell into a category all your own, mumsy!

    Technically... everyone can see what we write. Hahaha... But, the beauty is you are completely anonymous and I haven't posted any contact information nor am I promoting it with anyone else but you. I don't think we say anything bad about anyone... well maybe Jim but I say this stuff to his face so it's not a secret! We think we are interesting but honestly, we're not that interesting... nobody cares what we are saying or doing. I like it cause it's a great outlet, our little digital footprint of our relationship documented... yes, documented. The good and the bad!! We can see ourselves for what we are :)

    And, I guess selfishly, this is also my journal. You talk about dad's mental health issues and I DO worry that it's hereditary. As silly as it may sound, I think maybe one day when I'm senile I can read this and remember who I was! Of course I won't remember my password or anything... doh. Some plan that turned out to be... see I'm already showing signs of craziness!!!

    Back to cooking!


  3. We just finished the last session of the Diabetes Education program ... good info, but overwhelming and quite an eye opener. We now realize that we are very over indulgent and eat like pigs (especially you know who)! In a way everything depends on me (sorta) as I'm the head cook and bottle washer.

    What we learnt is not just for people with diabetes but for everyone ... how we should eat properly and have a healthy life. I have already decided that we will not be following the diet to the letter, as I believe everything should be done in moderation and still not willing to give up stuff that we love. I will, however, definitely try to cut back on salt and sugar, but in general we eat quite healthy (whole wheat breads, brown rice, lots of veggies)... the big thing for dad is the portion size (way too much!).

    Hope you get a chance to look at the Paris pics on fb ... we definitely did not go to all those places, especially the fancy restaurants; we only had enough money and time to do the common touristy things ... but it is true Paris has a very romantic atmosphere.

    Still waiting to see the roast chicken and potatoes pics :) I'm doing alot of homestyle cooking this week, as I will be cutting back once the new cupboards are installed (this will help with the diet as well as the greasy cupboard doors)... altho I don't know whatelse to cook ...
    sandwiches and salads? :(
    KD? Yuck!

    This is fun and happy that we're sharing this together!
