Monday, March 7, 2011

Supper tonight wasn't anything special. Roast chicken with corn and home cut fries. Liam loves when I do the chunky fries. I used the Kitchen Aid knife you bought me. I love that knife. Now I know what you were talking about. I didn't know a knife could make such a difference.

I made the apple compote for tomorrow's pancake breakfast at work. So simple, it looked and smelled delicious. I got the recipe from Martha Stewart's site. Part of me REALLY wanted to make Blueberry compote too. But, I won't waste that on work - lol. I'll do that when you and dad come for a visit. I know how much you love blueberries... Or do I have to cook for dad's diabetes diet? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. That looks pretty special (and yummy)to me! Did you cook the chicken and the fries from scratch? So why do I think I have to cook when we come for a visit, when your dinner looks so good?

    I cooked oxtail last night ... told Dad that it was the last time, as it is fatty and actually quite costly. It turned out really good and served it with lentil rice and okras.

    I was looking for you on fb last night, but then gave up and watched TV. I might as well wait until I get more juicy details re: the gossip, so don't ask about it yet ... I'm meeting with some of the girls on thursday ... will keep you posted and promise it will be a good one ... hehehe!

    Your pancake Tuesday looked so good ... I'm sure everyone on fb was drooling!

    Gotta go and finish cooking dinner ... maybe I catch you later for some ichatting!
